Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Trojan Armor System

This is the second time I have written this post today. I was 95% complete when I saved it and exited the system figuring to polish it up a bit more before posting. I was greatly surprised to find that the only version of the post that existed was missing the entire text of the post previously written. Garrr!!! So let the bell ring! Here goes round two for the Trojan Armor post.


I discovered a cool site called technovelgy - where science meets science fiction. A quirky name but the site is chalk full of cool stories of the sci-fi world of tomorrow becoming the science world of today.

I began exploring with Armor the first section listed on the site and my there are quite a few others. One article jumped out at me; it was titled "Exoskeleton Like Halo Suit" - The subtitle gave me the clue that it was the latest from Troy Hurtubise it read, "If you can build a suit to fight with bears, you can build a military exoskeleton with some practical experience built in. " (Technovelgy, 2007) . I clicked the link and was pleased by the image of armor before my eyes. I seemed practical in and it did indeed have that MJOLINAR-esque look to it. Towards the bottom I found the link to the reference article from The Hamilton Spectator titled, From bears to bullets. I learned more and figured there had to be more so I googled "Trojan Armor System" and "Troy Hurtubise" several other combinations looking for additional information on this cool armor prototype. I found these few choice items for you my loyal readers.

First there is a good YouTube Video of a press release session by Troy. It is worth watching and has some fun antidotes concerning his inspiration and motivation for designing Trojan.

Second is another blog called Defense Tech there is some good discussion on the Trojan Armor vs Dragon Skin body armor. Several good points were made here and I would recommend the read to you all.

Third is a bit of information from the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner concerning the critical holes in the existing body armor system in use by the United States Armed Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. Which when examined in connection with this post and the Defense Tech blog's points on body armor it make Troy's commentary on the Military Brass and Politicians all the more scorching in my opinion. There are good men and women dying because they are being forced to wear substandard armor that the OAFME has clearly shown to be deficient in areas that both Dragon Skin and Trojan seem capable of defending with their armor. Why serious effort by the US Armed Forces haven't done more with these two options I have no

Take a look at the graphic below and draw your own conclusions.

OAFME Armor Analysis

Finally this next bit is a strong editorial observation. The deprivation of improved armor systems is nearly as criminal an act when committed by the Military Brass; as is the failure by political leaders to properly mobilization of the army. REMF'ers should never dictate front line policies. PERIOD!

When one sends out the Armies one is supposed to do so in accordance with Sun Tzu's most practical instruction found in The Art of War; I will paraphrase it rather simply as "Stay out of your General's hair once you engage the Army. "

Ultimately the Army has one purpose and one purpose alone, for some this will seem harsh but it is truth and truth must never be ignored. That purpose is TO BREAK THE WILL OF THE LIVING ENEMY AND TO KILL ALL ENEMIES WHO WILL NOT BE BROKEN. And the way to do that is as Patton said "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." If winning the war is not the reason you are sending forth these brave soldiers then it is unconscionable act, of shame and possibly even murderous treason. The soldier is to be respected especially by the politician; it is the soldier who supports the politician. There reverse should be true. Insuring that our soldiers have advanced armor is critical to this effort because it grants your troops the tactical advantage to carry out that wise observation of one of the greatest military generals of all time; 'Old Blood and Guts' himself!