Monday, July 30, 2012

MECH Update - HOW TO RIDE KURATAS - Suidobashi heavy industry

I am a big Armored Mech fan.  Here is the latest and and greatest from Suidobashi.  I am certain that I don't have the $1.35 Million required to buy this oversized toy.  However it is definitely a small step in the right direction, in my opinion.  I am particularly impressed with the control yoke. It is very cool, though it could be made larger and strapped into as part of the cockpit command seat, which would make it even easier to operate by natural movement.

If I ever did buy one I guarantee the BB cannon would be replace with at least a .22 caliber!  The gun would become a small flame thrower too.  As is though, I doubt the carbon armor is of much use.  That too would have to be upgraded.  Then there is the small detail of mobility.  The wheels would need to become tracks if it were going to be of any use off road. Clearly this is a very high priced toy and not a real combat mech, though it does give me food for thought.

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