Thursday, May 17, 2007

Greetings from the Molecular Level...

Welcome to my humble blog dedicated to the wonders of SCIENCE FACT AND FICTION!I love Science!

I love Science Fiction! It has fascinated me from an early age. I am certain that it is due to my viewing of Star Wars at the age of four, that has forever gripped my mind. Since then I have spent long hours drawing spaceships and aliens; writing an epic Sci-fi novel that I will never publish; watching and rewatching corny sci-fi movies that I call classics and my wife just rolls her eyes at when the Netflix envelope arrives barring yet another classic Bonzi movie; and still more hours listening to audiobooks about Science Fact and Fiction.

To start this all off I have a link to an article that captured my imagination just the other day. In addition to the advanced computing power this SCIENCE FACT article illuminates, I can envision cool armor systems based on this technology as well... I suspect this hasn't eluded DARPA either, since they are partially funding this project. I could be wrong but I would be surprised if they missed the importance of building armor from the molecular level.

Give it a read. Tell me if it tickles your imagination like it did mine.

Well, The Wandering Iceworm is signing off to see what else of interest I can find!

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