Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An Interesting Weapons Platform... Weaponized Drones

This platform has an interesting level of flexibility. I can see several possible uses of such an armed delivery crate to to the battlefield. Though It might need some tweaking to be more effectively dropped in concert with a combat team. However if dropped into say a terrorist training camp it just might do a bit of damage. There are some obvious design flaws with the system as presented but given a bit of mobility this platform would be very deadly. It could operate as a sort of US Army Drone sent in to absorb the brunt of an assault and each cannons or missle racks could be manned by a soldier in a far away save bunker similar to USAF Preditor Drone pilots.

Obviously the concepts needs some refinement but it has potential in my estimation.

Not the usual topic for this blog but still it is VERY COOL!

A friend sent this YouTube video to me and it is absolutely amazing to watch the level of presision control that has been achieve with this water fountain.

As for a possible sci-fi application I see a day when many businesses in a quest for green points will utilize water gardens for small carbon credits and what advertising genius is not going to want to advertise something in such a "peaceful fashion"? Mark my words on this this is likely to find its way into many public entities and private businesses.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SARCOS vs. Starship Trooper's MI Armor

As suggested by a respondent to a previous blog entry here is my look at SARCOS,

I am a HUGE Robert Heinlein fan. Not only because of his MI Armor but the sense of responsiblilty that his writings also carry. Though that topic isn't what I am going to discuss. If you haven't READ Starship Troopers and you are in anyway interested in this topic, you really should pick up a book or listen to the unabridged audio book. The movie STUNK! It was inaccurate and vulgar in places. The director and screen writer slaughtered the story and its meaning in that travesty of a book to film endeavor. That is my opinion of their "screen license" that they took in bringing the movie to fruition, but I have digressed.

I am going too do a bit of compare and contrast between how the SARCOS team has done in measuring up to one of the more practical descriptions of Advanced Military Grade Armor. Before we do here is a YouTube video that I think fairly demonstrates the state of the SARCOS project as of 2007.

Here are a few quotes describing the MI Armor, from Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers book which was published by G.P. Putnam's Sons in 1959; following each quote I will give a summary of my perception of the SARCOS Team's status.

Our suits give us better eyes, better ears, stronger backs (to carry heavier weapons and more ammo), better legs, more intelligence (in the military meaning...), more firepower, greater endurance, less vulnerability.

Eyes, Ears and intelligence haven't been developed very thoroughly yet.

Legs, Back and endurance capabilities appear to be accomplished to an appriciable level.

The external armor is in need of more work in order to address the vulnerability.

A suit isn't a space suit - although it can serve as one. It is not primarily armor - although the Knights of the Round Table were not armored as well as we are. It isn't a tank - but a single M.I. [Mobile Infantry] private could take on a squadron of those things and knock them off unassisted...

This armored suit portion is in need of work as are the assault capabilities.

...Suited up, you look like a big steel gorilla, armed with gorilla-sized weapons.

This is likely to be the case based on some of the exo-skeletal coverings.

The real genius in the design is that you don't have to control the suit; you just wear it, like your clothes, like skin.

This appears to be the goal of the project and they are off to a good start.

The secret lies in negative feedback and amplification.

I am not sure about this point. I will have to do some more digging.

Since your head is the one part of your body not involved in the pressure receptors controlling the suit's muscles, you use your head -- your jaw muscles, your chin, your neck -- to switch things for you and thereby leave your hands free to fight.

This is an area that to my knowledge hasn't been developed in any clear detail. But it seems reasonable to speculate that a similar form of control would be fairly workable.

A chin plate handles all visual displays the way the jaw switch handles the audios. All displays are thrown on a mirror in front of your forehead from where the work is actually going on above and back of your head.

This is an area that to my knowledge hasn't been developed in any clear detail. But it seems reasonable to speculate that a similar form of control would be fairly workable.

All this helmet gear makes you look like a hydrocephalic gorilla but, with luck, the enemy won't live long enough to be offended by your appearance, and it is a very convenient arrangement; you can flip through your several types of radar displays quicker than you can change channels to avoid a commercial -- catch a range & bearing, locate your boss, check your flank men, whatever.

This is an area that to my knowledge hasn't been developed in any clear detail. But it seems reasonable to speculate that a similar form of control would be fairly workable. The advanced battle ground intelligence system has already developed by the Army and could be integrated into any HUD system.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Now I know I have been abducted by Aliens...

As some of you know I was a CAD Draftsman in another life. I still keep tabs on Autodesk's doings as it is tangetially part of my current job assisting other CAD Draftsmen (well truthfully they are all women). So when a friend forwarded this video that was "sponsered by Autodesk" I naturally opened it and watch it for some relivence. Now I am begining to wonder about a few missing moments... Unfortuneately, I seem to have forgotten them in their entirety... ;)

Watch this video and I think you will enjoy his subtle comedic humor... I know I did.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bioplastics a product for the future.

Yesterday, I came across a line of products that are absolutely fascinating! I had never heard of this stuff before. While I don't fully agree with the purpose or their business model they have chosen for their product and activism, I do completely support what they have created. They are significant strides froward in our quest to free ourselves from the oil cartel.

There is more information about bioplastics at Wikipedia. Ultimately I believe there is much that we can do with this technology.

Yes I know it will surprise some folks to hear a pro-oil Alaskan like myself endorse biomass products but you really shouldn't be surprised. I am the father of four kids and I am a former Boy Scout who lived the motto and left no trace on my outdoor adventures. While I know that we can safely develop the oil that we have in places like ANWR, from years of watching the oil patch on the North Slope of Alaska, that doesn't mean I am unaware of the need we all have fore developing cleaner systems where we can.

I have the same expectations for my children in that respect. I encourage them to pick up after themselves and in fact I have on complaining at this very minute because he cannot go and play until he picks up the mess he has made in the living room. That said you should see why I see great potential in this technology. Biomass is a renewable source of raw material. Though I honestly don't believe we should be burning corn or other food stocks for fuel, due to the damage it does to the average family's food budget. I do fully support the concept and the advances that are beginning to appear.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Breif History of Armor

For those of you who are following my research on armor here is an interesting, if somewhat old style website containing a large collection of information about the history of armor.

I found it useful as I contemplate creating new Science Fiction armor to review the history of where armor evolved from in the past.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Global Climate Change...

A friend sent me this link...

Here is my response to the insanity:

We need to first understand what we are talking about on that we agree. But to those who seek to profit from a "massive-geoengineering program" i could not be more opposed! This is as bad an idea as spreading soot on the polar ice caps to stave off global cooling in the 1970's! Yes it is true the past few years have been warmer, but that is to be expected if you have studied the earth and the sun in any detail. Might I mention that this year has marked the return to our cold cycle after our warm cycle. This is one of ALASKA's colder summers on record and winter is already moving in almost a month and a half earlier than it normally does. As a 25 year resident in the same valley I can tell you that the nay sayers have more credibility than ever this year. As this is the SECOND TIME this pattern has emerged. The last time was nearly 11 years ago. Hmmm.. Approximately 11 year cycles... That triggers a science memory. What has a 11 year cycle? Forgive me for the rhetorical sarcasm here but the answer is the SUN! The sorce of ALL GLOBAL WARMING! Learn to do real observational science rather than flawed computer models that have bogusly inflated heat assumptions.

Man made climate change does not occur! Check the records for the city of NOME, Alaska and Glacier Bay starting around the 1890's and I think you will discover the "HEAT WAVE" that existed pre-automobile, there by casting doubt upon the man made conclusions. Why do I point this out? It is to make the point out that SUN DRIVEN CLIMATE CHANGE DOES OCCUR! Which also gives you a clearer understanding of ozone fluxuations as the sun's activity waxes and wains. Cycles exist and they did so long before we came on the scene.

But I suppose I am wasting my time typing this because those that deem themselves to be uber-educated and who are certain their politically modivated brainwashed-brainwasher, known to all as University Professors are gileless and honest in their assertions, will simply disreguard the observations of an Alaskan Naturalist as the feebled halucinations of an embittered Palin supporter. This assumption would be falsely asserted but I am certain it will be nonetheless. Sadly, it has been my expericence in this life that unless you are a true seeker of scientific truth, you will more than likely deny the existence of BIG SCIENCE while you bemoan the impact of BIG BISNESS.

BIG SCIENCE, which is is nothing more that a Government-Acedemic axis of influence, which corrupts the true scientific method for political purposes, is by its very nature corrupt. As it is the government which determines the direction of research and inquiry. It all but insures the insanity that has resulted in extremely talented scientists being black listed and labeled heritics and doubters. Yet these are the very people who are engaged in the true scientific method by testing the hypothesis for its validity ranther than accepting the issued grants that hold attached strings of expectations from those funding the research.

In the case of "global climate change" many financially minded researchers know that they must do obecences at the alter if they want to prosper. How then do we evaluate the value of a study that has reinterpreted all the evidence to prove that the initial declared purpose of the research grant were valid, inspite of evidence suggesting other questions. I personally am forced to devalue the work performed by such a soiled scientist and question everything they publish, because I am left to wonder if they published it simply to gain another grant and be rewarded by similarly corrupted members of their community, like a dogs given table scraps. This is the root of the great lie being perpetrated in the name of SCIENCE, and the evil doers are rewarded with another grant to second there previously bogus findings, the process is corrupted from its inception by blind obedience to a mindset of dependence.

I know it does little good to argue for the brainwashed to recognize the strings of manipulation that manipulate them like puppets, but I would be remiss in my persuit of truth if I did not point it out. Sadly too many political hacks have been brainwashed by the high priests of the new sect (global climate change) of the old religion of Gaia (the worship of nature).


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Prince Roger's Balistic Armor of today... Well it is still a few years off...

If you have read the Empire of Man Series commonly called the "Prince Roger Series" of Science Fiction novels by David Weber and John Ringo, you will perhaps recognize this next story's importance in making a bold stride forward on the Armored Frontier.

Protecting The Soldiers of Tomorrow

These "inorganic fullerene-like nanostructures" or IF as the IsraCast abreviates them are to my mind the basic threads that could easily be woven into cloth-like material. In so doing it would then be possible to produce from that material a flexible light-weight suit that would give our soldiers the protection they vitally need from IED's and sniper fire when on patrol. This ballistic IF material will be much better than the previously examined carbon based nanotube fibers. As the article states, the "IF is easier and much less expensive to produce, it is chemically stable and is less reactive and consequently less flammable... [and] ...have been tested extensively and deemed safe." This is especially obvious when they are compared with the highly toxic Organic Fullerenes.

As I look at this new ballistic material I can see countless applications for sensitive areas that need additional protection from not only bullets and explosive devices but also consider the application in say a car bumper and other structural partitions within an automobile. Not only would it strengthen it but it would also decrease the weight of the material in all likelihood. This will in turn make the hybrids more efficient and the so on and so forth in that industry. It could perhaps decrease the level of damage vehicles retain when impacting in a collision. What a benefit to countless lives that would be.

What about laptop computers this material could likely be integrated into the shell to add additional cushioned rigidity to the HDD as well. There is also the possibility that this could be used to help armor aircraft and I suspect spacecraft too would benefit from this "nanoarmor" as an extra internal protective skin as it is currently envisioned if I am not mistaken.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mechanized Exo-Skeletal Armor Systems (MESAS XP)... Anyone????

Here is an idea for the X PRIZE Foundations, next X PRIZE competition; Mechanized Exo-Skeletal Armor Systems (MESAS XP).

The competition should be based around practical usage niches such as Fire Fighting, SWAT, Under Water Rescue, Mining and Handicapped Mobility. I leave out the Military applications, as it is clearly an area that the Defense Department is working and I am quite certain the bureaucracy of DARPA isn’t going to participate.

Oh well, I guess that won't be happening anytime soon, but a guy can hope can't he!

Automotive X PRIZE (AXP)

WOW! Now this is how innovation and free enterprise can work hand in hand to build a better tomorrow, without oppressive government regulations. I take may hat off to the founders of the X PRIZE Foundation and their commitment to change the world by inspiring individuals to pursue “a prize and acclaim”. The creation of the Automotive X PRIZE (AXP) is in my opinion as a adamant and devoted constitutionalist this is an inspired approach to environmentalism and conservation or resources. I whole-heartedly approve of this sort of environmental activism that doesn’t ignore the realities of real American everyday life and liberty. Nor does it destroy the spirit that made America the great nation it truly is and can continue to be in the future.

Now if they would offer an X PRIZE for a working MECH, I would be thoroughly ecstatic! Oh well one can always dream right!

Enjoy the read, I know I did and I look forward to following this competition as it unfolds next year.