Thursday, February 7, 2008

Automotive X PRIZE (AXP)

WOW! Now this is how innovation and free enterprise can work hand in hand to build a better tomorrow, without oppressive government regulations. I take may hat off to the founders of the X PRIZE Foundation and their commitment to change the world by inspiring individuals to pursue “a prize and acclaim”. The creation of the Automotive X PRIZE (AXP) is in my opinion as a adamant and devoted constitutionalist this is an inspired approach to environmentalism and conservation or resources. I whole-heartedly approve of this sort of environmental activism that doesn’t ignore the realities of real American everyday life and liberty. Nor does it destroy the spirit that made America the great nation it truly is and can continue to be in the future.

Now if they would offer an X PRIZE for a working MECH, I would be thoroughly ecstatic! Oh well one can always dream right!

Enjoy the read, I know I did and I look forward to following this competition as it unfolds next year.

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