Monday, November 26, 2007

Mecha in real life...

As many of you know one of my primary interests is Mecha. I believe there is a future to this sci-fi dream of writers like myself. We see things in our heads that make sense to us and we think why not. I continue to research the topic and figured I would share two of bolder attempts by individuals to build these massive machines.

Granted these examples are crude and wouldn’t last 30 seconds on a battlefield, but then again the first automobiles were jokes by today’s standards too.

The first is one that was built in here in Alaska several years ago by an ambitious fellow; I have tried to track him down but haven’t had much luck. The flamethrower is kind of cool effect but with I would have liked to see it walk.

The second was built in Japan and is much more functional from what I can see. Though it really can’t walk at this point it does manage to slide through the movements well enough. The crude air weapons are a nice touch.

Regardless of their current rough state I can tell you that we will continue to see improvement in the related technologies and in time these will become viable. Until then I will just have to keep writing and dreaming, with the rest of you.

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